Friday, 16 December 2011

Production Journal 13

During the holidays we scheduled to do the last part of filming of our music video with the dancers. Unfortunately we found out that one of the dancers was going on holiday so she couldn't join us on the day we were filming.
On the day we wanted to film which was Monday 18th December the weather became a disruption as it started raining and it became really windy. We decided to wait for the rain to stop but the dancers had places to be so we rescheduled. On the day we rescheduled on it also rained so we decided to postpone it till the next week when every dancer wasn't busy.

We filmed most of the dancers on thursday 29th of December but, one of the dancers did not show up and he wasn't taking part properly when we filmed the other scenes so we decide to stop using him in our music video and make do with the dancers and footage we already had because he didn't have time to give up to film with us.
Apart from the weather we also had an issue with the battery running out so we couldn't use the flip camera and we had to use a digital camera instead but, the quality of the video was really good with the camera.
Apart from that and the weather we didn't come across any other difficulties and next time we have to remember to take some spare batteries when we go out filming.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Production Journal 12

We filmed the club scene with all our dancers in our music video. I was in charge of filming as my partner was in charge of directing again because it is more efficient as I know how to handle the filming equipment. We filmed this scene at school in a drama room because the room was dark and it had lighting that we could alter for a club scene. We gave the dancers and the 'club goers' glow sticks so that it fit in with our genre. This was the hardest scene to get to perfection because there was so many people in the room and they didn't always listen to our instructions so it got a bit rowdy at times. Another reason why it was hard to film was the fact that as it is a naturally dark room finding angles that had light was hard at times.

The room was quite small but we had to get everyone in the shot so it actually looks like a club rather than a couple of people dancing aimlessly.
In the end we got some good footage so that is what matters the most.

Evidence of RECCE 12

While filming the club scene, we decided to take pictures of our DJ.

Evidence of RECCE 11

These photos were taken when me and my partner were filming the club scene in the drama department. We took into consideration the different angles in which to film from.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Evidence of RECCE 10- Priscilla

The following photos were taken the day after we filmed our dancer Priscilla at church. These photos show us outside her house and the church.

Evidence of RECCE 9- Priscilla

The following photos are of me and my partner getting the footage of our dancer, Priscilla at church. Initially we had planned on our Pastor being someone else but due to a misunderstanding we had to settle for the Pastor we did film, either way, it is what we wanted, just not who we thought it would be.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Production Journal 11

Today we filmed the rest of Priscilla's scene which included walking to church and seeing the DJ DELIRIOUS logos. This part of the video was filmed by me while the other member directed Priscilla on what to do. This part was really easy but we had to film from various places.
The only obstacle we faced was the wind blowing all the logos every time we stuck it somewhere. Apart from that filming on saturday went well.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Production Journal 10

We filmed Priscilla's first dancing scene inside the church. While filming, we came to the realization that the Pastor who we thought we were going to use wasn't able to be filmed.
Initially we had planned on our Pastor being someone else but due to a misunderstanding we had to settle for the Pastor we did film, either way, it is what we wanted, just not who we thought it would be. My partner took the reins o filming this time round as she hasn't done much filming beforehand. Even though there was supposed to be extras in this scene, they didn't know it until we came, but thankfully they went with the flow and we were able to film smoothly.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Production Journal 9

Myself and my partner filmed Paula's dance scene in the dance studio in our school. It went really well as we knew what we wanted and once the dancers were instructed, they did exactly as they were told. They knew in advance as their dance teacher had told them. We filmed Paula dancing in the dance studio with the other dancers. From fliming Lawrence's scene, we knew to film from different angles, which we applied when filming Paula's scene.

After having filmed Paula in the dance studio, we then filmed her walking down Lodge Hill seeing DJ DELIRIOUS logos as she was on her journey. Apart from passer bys, cars and buses constantly driving past and making noise, filming went really well. One thing that might pose as a problem later is that it was quite dark while Paula was walking down the hill, hopefully, we will be able to brighten it up.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Evidence of RECCE 8-Paula

These are the photos we took during our filming of one of the dancers. This took place at the dance studio in Welling School and on Lodge Hill

Friday, 2 December 2011

Production Journal 8

We filmed the first part of Lawrence's scene. My partner wasn't there at the beginning as she has a lesson that she had to attend. The classroom I/we filmed wasn't very big , but had many tables, so we were pressed for space which made it hard to film from different angles as we couldn't always move the tripod around.
We had to make sure that we filmed from various angles so that we had a variety of clips, but had to take care so that they didn't look too different.
We were assisted by our media technician and he gave us advice on how to control our set while filming. We learnt to direct our dancers and tell them exactly what we wanted and how we wanted it-without being bossy or controlling of course.