Monday 10 October 2011


Describe what a digipak is.
A digipak is a CD case, but instead of having the standard jewel case; it is made from cardboard. Tehy usually emphasize the genre and have an ongoing colour scheme.

What are the codes and conventions of a digipak?
the codes and conventions included in a digipak are: images so that the audience can be visually stimulated, may include lyrics in the book of thanks, the name must be on the spine of the digipak so that when it it put up on a shelf, the name of the artist and album are on show, there must be a barcode and the copyright must be visible, the website and record label must also be on the digipak and there must be a logo.

Why would a record label choose to release a digipak rather than a CD in jewel case?
Record labels differ, so one record label may choose to release a digipak because they are more personal and intimate as they are pocket size, however, another record label may not release a digipak because they will ruin easily as the case is more fragile.

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